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SOE Funds and Scholarships

The Drake School of Education is grateful to the alumni and friends who generously support the programs, research, and scholarships that make our work possible.

Unless otherwise specified, these are graduate scholarships awarded annually through an application process each spring.  Students eligible to apply, based on scholarship qualifications, are notified via email. If you have questions, please contact the SOE Budget Manager, 

Counseling Program Scholarships

Forsyth Memorial Scholarship

Funded by Jeanyce Forsyth in honor of James E. Forsyth and awarded to a student entering the counseling field. This scholarship is open to students who are pursuing a master's in counseling with a specialization in elementary or secondary school counseling. Multiple scholarship may be awarded each year.

Nesbit Endowed Scholarship

Funded by the estate of Dolores A. Nesbit and awarded to graduate students pursuing a master's in counseling with a specialization in secondary school counseling. An application process opens in the fall as well as the spring. Multiple scholarships may be awarded each year. 

Rehabilitation Services Administration Grant

The National Rehabilitation Institute at Drake University was awarded a grant in 2019 from the Rehabilitation Services Administration, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services within the US. Department of Education that provides scholarship opportunities to students interested in pursuing a degree in Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling or Rehabilitation Counseling, The scholarship can pay for up to 100% of a scholar’s tuition and provide a small stipend each semester to assist with covering textbook and related expenses. As part of the scholarship recipients sign a payback agreement indicating that they will work for a designated State rehabilitation agency or in a non-profit rehabilitation agency, professional corporation., professional practice group, or related agency providing services to individuals with disabilities under an agreement with a designated State agency.


Teacher Licensure Scholarships

Individuals pursuing an education degree with teacher licensure, may be eligible for the following scholarships. 

Breakenridge 3D Scholarship

Funded by Susan J. Breakenridge and awarded to students who are current employees of Des Moines Public Schools and enrolled in the 3D program.  Awarded automatically to students with need. 

Franson Endowed Scholarship

Franson Scholars, funded by Tim Franson in honor of Christine Franson and awarded to student(s) pursuing education licensure and who have a leadership role within Drake or the Des Moines community. This renewable scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate student through an application process. 

Joan Huber Gerling Endowed Scholarship

Funded by Joan Huber Gerling to financially support students who are pursuing their coursework in education and preparing to receive their initial teaching license.  This may be awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student. 

Middleton Urban Education Fund

Scholarships funded by a gift from Lyle and Joan Middleton and used to support the development of an Urban Education Program in the School of Education.  These may be automatically awarded to students in the 3D program or automatically awarded to an undergraduate student at the time of admission. 

Donald D Shaw Family Scholarship for future STEM Educators

Funded by the Donald Shaw family and awarded to students in the School of Education majoring in education with a concentration in science, math, or STEM.  This may be automatically awarded to a qualified undergraduate student at the time of admission. 

Special Education Scholarships

Students pursuing a master's degree in special education may be eligible for the following scholarships. 

Borger Memorial Scholarship

For graduate students pursuing the field of Special Education. 

Rummel Memorial Scholarship

Funded by the Rummel Trust to honor Harley M. and Zoe Rummel and awarded to students enrolled in a master's program specializing in Special Education. 

Superintendent Licensure Scholarships

Students pursuing any advanced degree that includes superintendent licensure, may be eligible for the following scholarship. 

Garcia Endowed Scholarship

Funded by Dr. George F. Garcia and awarded to students within the School of Education’s department of Educational Leadership from an under-represented group (women, African-Americans, Latino, Native, or Asian-American) and in pursuit of a Ph.D, Ed.D, or Ed.S, and K-12 superintendent licensure.  

Doctoral Program Scholarship

Students pursuing a doctorate degree may be eligible for the following scholarship. 

Huffman Doctoral Research Fund

In honor of Betty Huffman, for doctoral student research as part of the pursuit of a doctoral degree program. These research funds are awarded through an application process coordinated by the director of the doctoral program, twice annually. 


Multi-Program Scholarships

Goodenow Scholarship

Funded with a gift from the Okoboji Foundation (an affiliate of the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines) and awarded to undergraduate or graduate students majoring in teaching, counseling, educational leadership or organizational leadership with first preference to high-need undergraduate students, whose scholarship would be awarded automatically. Students will be identified as Goodenow Scholars. 

Nelson Urban Endowed Scholarship

Funded by Timothy J. Urban and Thomas N. Urban, Jr. and awarded to a minority student seeking a graduate or other advanced degree from Drake who demonstrates an intent and capacity to pursue a career working with at-risk children in the field of education, psychology, social services, or law. 



Scholarships Administered by the Office of Financial Planning

These scholarships are for undergraduate students. These scholarships are disbursed through the Office of Student Financial Aid and are awarded automatically. 

  • Dorothy A Dawson Scholarship
  • Mary Will Dunkle Scholarship
  • Judith Johnson Scholarship
  • Jeanette Donaldson Burbidge Scholarship
  • Gladys Fritsch Davis Scholarship
  • General Education Scholarship
  • Robert and Carol Evans Scholarship
  • Worth and Rena Fee Scholarship
  • Hearst Foundation Scholarship
  • Ailene Horst Liechty Scholarship
  • Susan P. Johnson-Lipman Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • Boyd and Patricia Nansel Endowed Scholarship Fund
  • Margie and Dean Rowland Scholarship
  • Dr. Rowley Restricted Memorial Scholarship
  • Schaeffer-Henderson-Huffman Scholarship
  • A. Nelle Schalk Scholarship
  • Dr. Merlin L. Scholl Scholarship 
  • Sheker Family Scholarship
  • Hazel Weakley Scholarship


Gifts to endowed or restricted funds provide the SOE with opportunities for growth and innovation. Donors can work with University Advancement to develop a vision for the use of the funds. Donors can also earmark funds for general use to support initiatives at the discretion of the Dean. These funds provide a means to pursue programming that would not otherwise have available or adequate funding. 

Examples of how the existing funds are being utilized include:

  • Professional development for faculty
  • Doctoral research support
  • Curriculum development
  • Symposiums related to Special Education
  • Events encouraging Des Moines youth to consider a teaching career  

Identified here is a list of current funds that support our work in the School of Education.

  • Mary Collier Baker Chair Fund
  • James Morrison Collier School of Education Faculty Development Fund
  • Anna Mae Heaps Endowed Faculty Development Fund
  • Betty J. Huffman Endowed Doctoral Research Fund
  • Irene Ellis McBurney Fund
  • James McMahon Institute Fund
  • Willie Mary Ramsey Fund
  • Schott Family Endowment Fund
  • Urban Education Program Endowed Fund
  • Betty Mell Wood and Clayton D. Wood Dean's Excellence Fund

For additional information on ways to support the SOE’s mission to prepare, support, and inspire our students to lead and serve in a constantly changing world, please contact Laura Bjurstrom at 515-271-1840 or

Creating New Scholarships and Funds 

For more information about creating a new scholarship for Drake School of Education students, contact the Office of Alumni Relations at 515-271-4056.

SOE News