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Each year, Drake supports faculty and staff projects in all corners of the world.

The funding opportunities listed below have supported various activities including collaborative research projects, creation of new student travel seminars, joint curriculum development, and more! In addition to financial support, our office is also able to assist with making connections, program planning, and logistics. 

Global Engagement Grants

Partnering with students, faculty, and staff to advance global and cross-cultural initiatives that connect Drake University with the world, Global Engagement invites applications for funding. Grants are available to assist academic units, programs, and individual faculty/staff in efforts to increase their global and intercultural capacity. Applications may be considered for awards from multiple sources and will be reviewed on an ongoing basis until funds are expended.

Before beginning the online application, applicants are encouraged to review details about eligibility, criteria for funding, and the review process. Questions may be directed to

Eligibility and Criteria for Funding

Full-time faculty and staff from any academic or non-academic unit are eligible to apply. Preference will be given to proposals that:  

  • further the University’s global engagement priorities in specific and identifiable ways. 
  • broaden or deepen the faculty/staff member’s knowledge of a particular international topic through participation in conferences, workshops, research, or similar activities.    
  • advance the University's global engagement in new and innovative ways, such as international student travel seminars, activities with strategic partners, global curriculum development, etc.  
  • explain how proposed activities will have specific teaching, research, and service outcomes for student learning and faculty/staff development  
  • are financially supported by the academic unit of the individual submitting the proposal.

Awards for travel will be considered if they meet the requirements of the University's current budget guidelines for travel. All travel grants will need final approval by the Provost.

Funding through the Global Engagement grants will be awarded at the sole discretion of theGrants Review Committee, including what expenses may be covered using grant funds. Grant funds are not typically awarded for stipends for Drake faculty and staff.

Conference Funding

Funding requests to support attendance at disciplinary or academic conferences (to present a lecture, paper, performance, exhibit, or as a participant) should first be submitted to the individual’s academic unit for faculty/staff development funds. If the academic unit’s faculty/staff development funds have been exhausted, Global Engagement Grants may then be requested to cover registration fees and travel-related expenses for conferences that have a significant global or international focus, and which enable faculty/staff to advance the priorities listed above. The committee will consider supporting one conference annually per individual with a grant of up to $1,000.  

Requests for travel to present a lecture, paper, performance, or exhibit will only be considered if the activity strengthens the University’s strategic partnerships or serves another global engagement priority area.

Global Virtual Learning

Global Engagement Grant funds may be requested to bring virtual global enhancement to existing courses and programs. Examples may include (but are not limited to):

  • Inviting a guest speaker or panel to present virtually on a specific topic
  • Facilitating a virtual tour to complement coursework
  • Developing a module or project to connect virtually with students in another part of the world

Assistance is available through the Office of Global Engagement to connect Drake faculty and staff with provider organizations and global partner institutions that can serve as resources for potential projects. Contact Hannah Sappenfield for more information.

Application Guidelines

Applications must include a budget with cost estimates that are as accurate as possible. The Review Committee may award full or partial funding, deny funding, or defer a decision pending a request for more information. Consequently, it is advantageous to make a request well in advance of the proposed activity.

As you prepare a request, please ensure the following: 

  • Activities proposed are specific
  • Timetable proposed is realistic and comprehensive
  • Applicant has made appropriate preparations for proposed activities to be successful 
  • Applicant makes a clear statement of the purpose of the proposed activities
  • Stated purpose of the proposal offers clear benefits and outcomes to its activities 
  • Applicant clearly states how the benefits and outcomes of the proposed activities align with the strategic priorities and goals of the University and the individual’s academic unit
  • Proposed budget is complete and realistic enough to complete the proposed activities and has provided an explanation of any additional funding or in-kind support secured or sought for the project
  • Letter of support clearly states the unit head’s understanding of proposed activities and how they address strategic priorities and goals


Application Deadline and Review Process

There is a rolling deadline with funding applications reviewed after the last day of the month by a committee of faculty and staff members. Funding decisions will be announced by the 15th of the month following application. Applications must be submitted prior to the proposed activities, ideally 45 days or more in advance. This will allow enough time for the Committee to review and respond to the applicant before the activity occurs. This, in turn, will enable the applicant to explore alternative arrangements, in case the request is denied. Applicants must submit a final report on progress and budget actuals within 60 days of the conclusion of activities. Additional updates on outcomes are encouraged six months to one year afterward.  

A goal of the Global Engagement Grants is to involve a broad spectrum of the Drake community. Priority may be given to applicants who have not received previous grants. Individuals will not typically receive more than one grant per fiscal year, unless their proposed activities strongly support the University’s global engagement priorities and enhance collaboration with the University’s strategic partners. 



Global Pressing Issues Grant

This grant opportunity is for students and faculty to conduct research on topics of broad public importance, such as hunger, humanitarian crises, global warming, and forced migrations. Funding is available through the Nelson Institute.

Global Scholars & Practitioners

This program brings recognized and experienced scholars and professionals in various international fields—diplomacy, the sciences, the arts, and others—to campus to teach part-time and serve as mentors to students. Global Scholars and Practitioners also engage with campus and community through research and public lectures and help further Drake’s institutional partnerships. Funding is available through the Principal Center for Global Citizenship.

External Funding & Support

The Principal Center for Global Citizenship has developed a list of faculty resources, including external grants and other support for faculty interested in global activities.

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February 28, 2025