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Handshake is an online career management system designed to help connect students and recent alumni with internships and job opportunities.


Students can view postings and apply for jobs on the system or through the means provided by the employers (company web site or with a company representative).  The system allows students to schedule on-campus interviews directly on the system. 

To Access: Log into myDrake, click Campus Resources, then click the Handshake icon

500 companies hiring students on Handshake right now!


Employers post part and full time positions, internship opportunities, graduate programs, residencies, and fellowships on the system.  Employers have the option to complete a profile to provide detailed information about the company.  On-campus interview scheduling is another component that employers can utilize.

To Access: Register or list an employment opportunity


To Access: To explore jobs please register for Handshake and notify the Professional and Career Development Services staff. They will need your major and date of graduation.


Privacy Policy

Professional & Career Development Services utilizes an on-line career system, Handshake. This system is a comprehensive, career management system.  Student and alumni data will reside on Handshake servers.

Handshake is utilized by college career centers nationwide.  All information is used to assist users with career services.  This data is also utilized for administrative reports with all information reported in aggregate form.  Personal information is not used for any reports.

Students and alumni should use caution when applying for positions and are encouraged to research the employer to protect against fraudulent postings.  Students and alumni are strongly advised not to disclose Social Security numbers, credit card information or other financial records.  Jobs on Handshake are not necessarily screened.  

If you have questions about the privacy policy or Handshake, please contact Professional & Career Development Services staff.

University News
February 28, 2025